Sulz et al - Therapy algorithm for endoluminal CD. To keep this algorithm as simple as possible and for reasons of repetition and similarity, location and extent of inflammation (localized ileo-cecal, colonic, and extensive small bowel disease) are not specifically represented. Also, for reasons of simplicity, the severity of inflammation (mild/moderately severe/severe) is not differentiated. However, high-risk situation for progressive disease and steroid-dependent/steroid-refractory inflammation are discussed as separate entities. Surgery as a therapeutic option in endoluminal CD treatment is integrated in the algorithm, where indicated. + For more details, see main text. % Budesonide: cortiment multi matrix is not approved for treatment of CD. # Table 1: indicators for severe disease/disease progression. & Anti-TNF: infliximab and its biosimilars (Remicade®/Inflectra®/Remsima®); Adalimumab and its biosimilars (Humira®/Hyrimoz®/Amgevita®); CertolizumabPegol (Cimzia®), only approved in Switzerland and USA. CD, Crohn’s disease; AZA, azathioprine; IL, interleukin; 6-MP, 6-mercaptopurine; MTX, methotrexate; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; EIM, extraintestinal manifestations; US, ultrasonography.